The Tempest, Sadly A Little Dreary

Front Row / 12th December, 2024

The Tempest Drury Lane

The best takeaway was the marvellous restoration of the famous Drury Lane Theatre which has undergone a splendid metamorphosis. It was simply stunning, unlike this production of Shakespeare last play The Tempest, with Sigourney Weaver taking the lead as Prospero. The Hollywood actor was wooden throughout and imparted as much impact as cold porridge. The sub plot was the only glue that held the audiences admiration, featuring Caliban dressed in a cave man Flinstore attire with the knaves Trincolo and Stefano, they were really very comical while the sprite, Ariel added intrigue.

The stage set was impressive. immersed in total darkness at the start and then billowing sheets represented the wrack itself with figures emerged from its tumbling interior and a Hans Zimmer Blade Runner style soundtrack produced a great dreamlike sequence. However, as the drama continued the dullness of the scenery adding to the general sense of ennui and a basted wasteland did nothing to engage the spirit. For us this production of The Tempest will sadly “leave not a rack behind”

Times Review

Van Gogh’s Immersive show at Spitafields was educational and his latter works especially Starry Night (1899) where the heavens seem far more attractive than the earth. The sky is spotted with iridescent solar systems that have a very strong spiritual allure and actually benefit from from being magnified onto large walls of draped cloth with time to gaze and dream from a supine deck chair.

Drury Lane London 12th December Fawkes & S

Posted by: Fawkes