Black Adam – Shazam !

Flicks / 11th November, 2022

A fun caper from the DC Comic books.

Dwayne Johnson as the Rock really made the film watchable with Pierce Brosnan as Dr Fate, a pale mirror image of Dr Strange from rivals Marvel (Benedict Cumberbatch) but his stoicism anchored the drama and increasingly became the essential supporting role.
The plot is plainly ludicrous but with some rare undeveloped touches; of humour -the “sarcasm”  links are the only real amusement in terms of verbal  interplay. I was also hoping that more fun would explode like in Jumanji/  Plus, the film needs far more character development to add some layering and intrigue- Cyclone and Atom Smasher are flimsy cardboard characters.
The upside, I really enjoyed the soundtrack Smashing Pumpkins and especially Exile by Eric Zane
PS The Rock was also one of the producers ……… sometimes too many cooks….
PPS Empire rules SSJB

Posted by: Fawkes